Michael Gillis



Other Writing

THE ATLANTIC: The Most Important Amicus Brief in the History of the World (op-ed)

The Onion's Amicus Brief to the Supreme Court (co-authored)

Moving (Short story in PINCH)

Milk (Short story in HOBART)

Talking to Pets (Short story-ish non-fiction essay in Blackbird)

Beignets (Short story in Chicago Quarterly Review)

The Revolutionaries (Short story in the zine Breakfast)

Travel/Rain/Midwest (Flash fiction in the zine Pizza)

Dark and Stormy (Short story in Pulp Literary)

The Little Wash Towel That Wasn't Anthropomorphized (parody children's book)

TRICYCLE: Staring at Corpses in ‘Silent Hill 2’

TRICYCLE: Just Walking, Just Eating

TRICYCLE: Playing the Game of the Mind

TRICYCLE: Cringing Toward Empathy

TRICYCLE: Diving into the Mind in Psychonauts 2

TRICYCLE: The Kindness of Joe Pera

TRICYCLE: Press X to Awaken